Daily Crossword Puzzle Quiz Answers - Quiz-facts - Letest version

 Daily Crossword Puzzle Quiz Answers

Q 1: Let’s start easy! Black and white bear-like animal, native to China. Two letters have been done for you already. Scroll down and fill in the WHOLE 5-Letter word.

Type Answer:  Panda

Q 2: Do you know the capital of Greece? Two letters have been filled out for you. Write the WHOLE word below!

Type Answer: Athens

Q 3: Ohh, a picture clue for you! What breed of dog is this? Fill in the word below!

Type Answer: Husky

Q 4: Which sport are we looking for here?

Type Answer: Hockey

Q 5: Famous US landmark starting with “Mount”. Type it in!

Type Answer: rushmore

Q 6: A sports venue.

Type Answer: Arena

Q 7: A type of monkey! Surely you know this one. Write it in below!

Type Answer: Chimpanzee

Q 8: A type of cheese! Write the WHOLE word below!

Type Answer: Bree

Q 8 - Version 2: A group of binary digits or bits.

Type Answer: Byte

Q 9:Movie starring Al Pacino!

Type Answer: scarface

Q 9 - Version 2 : A space on a ship used for storing sails.

Type Answer: sailroom

Q 9 - Version 3 : A large island in the Mediterranean Sea.

Type Answer: Sardinia

Q 9 - Version 4 : When something is cynical or mocking.

Type Answer: Sardonic

Q 10: American actor, last name “Phoenix”.

Type Answer: River

Q 11:What could this be? And how do you spell it?

Type Answer: edamame

Q 12: Polynesian Dance

Type Answer: hula

Q 12 - Version 2: Optical phenomenon.

Type Answer: halo

Q 13:High School Musical set in the 1950s.

Type Answer: Grease

Q 13 - Version 2 : In a foreign country.

Type Answer: Abroad

Q 14: The Arctic is the smallest what?

Type Answer: OCEAN

Q 14 - Version 2: A part of a wall at the end of a ridged roof.

Type Answer: gable

Q 15: French classical composer.

Type Answer: Debussy

Q 16: What type of food are we looking at here?

Type Answer: Samosa

Q 17:  Synonym of frighten:

Type Answer: Startle

Q 17 - Version 2:  A place of study in a special field.

Type Answer: academy

Q 18: An opera solo is a what?

Type Answer: Aria

Q 18 - Version 2 : Tiny particles of matter on the ground or carried in the air.

Type Answer: Dust

Q 19: A protein-rich seed.

Attention: This question have 9 Versions, they will change the order of answer options every time you do the quiz. Please look carefully at the correct image below, then you can choose the correct answer for another Version!

Type Answer: quinoa

Q 19 - Version 2 : A city of the Croatia with origins in the 9th century BC?

Type Answer: Zadar

Q 19 - Version 3 : To be surprise or confused.

Type answer: Nonplussed

Q 19 - Version 4 : The process of releasing strong emotions.

Scroll down and fill it in!


Type Answer: Catharsis

Q 19 - Version 5 : To act according to someone's wish.

Type Answer: comply

Q 19 - Version 6 : Animal native to Australia: marsupial, nocturnal and herbivorous.

Type Answer: Quokka

Q 19 - Version 7 : Medium, spotted wild cat.

Type Answer: Ocelot

Q 19 - Version 8 : Animal native to Australia: a muscular, short lagged marsupial.

Type Answer: Wombat

Q 19 - Version 9 : A hard mineral found in igneous and metaphoric rocks.

Type Answer: Quartz

Q 20: To be full of energy and enthusiasm is to be _______ !

Attention: This question have 9 Versions, they will change the order of answer options every time you do the quiz. Please look carefully at the correct image below, then you can choose the correct answer for another Version!

Type Answer: exuberant

Q 20 - Version 2 : One of the smallest Lexical items in a language.

Type Answer: Morpheme

Q 20 - Version 3 : A type of rodent.

Type Answer: Capybara

Q 20 - Version 4 : A very large  rodent.

Type Answer: Capybara

Q 20 - Version 5 : A type of shape!

IMG.JPG not available.

Type Answer: Rhombus

Q 20 - Version 6 : A device for stimulating the heart muscle.

Type Answer:  Pacemaker

Q 20 - Version 7 : In agreement or in harmony.

Type Answer:  Congruent

Q 20 - Version 8: Disgusting. Repugnant.

Type Answer:  Abhorrent

Q 20 - Version 9 : A type of lizard.

Type Answer:  Chameleon

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