Word Ladder Quiz Answers

Are you a word fanatic? Challenge yourself with this fun word game! See if you can climb down the ladder. At each step, change only one letter in the word to create a new one. Let's play!

1. Take a look at this example! Replace one letter, forming a new word, as you move down the ladder.

  1. Continue

2. Figure out the hints to move down the ladder! To reach your final word in question marks, change only one letter of the word from your last hint!

  1. Ready to play

3. Can you reach the bottom of the ladder and figure out the word in question marks?

  1. Time
  2. Tart
  3. Hurt
  4. Herd

Answer: Herd

4. Can you work your way down through the hints and figure out which word the question marks represent?

  1. Love
  2. Gift
  3. Gone
  4. Cold

Answer: Gift

  • 5. Can you get from “Toad” to the question marks, changing only one letter at time?

    1. Fear
    2. Dare
    3. Leaf
    4. Pear

    Answer:  Leaf

  • 6. Can you figure out how to get down this ladder?

    1. Whack
    2. Clack
    3. Slaps
    4. Waits

    Answer: Whack

  • 7. Climb down this ladder!

    1. Songs
    2. Chair
    3. Pinch
    4. Fires
  • Answer: Pinch

  • 8. Climb down this ladder…if you can!

    1. Sing
    2. Lift
    3. Five
    4. Dine

    Answer: Dine

    9. Can you climb down this ladder?

    1. Snort
    2. Cheek
    3. House
    4. Seams

    Answer: Snort

    10. Here we go! Can you work your way down the ladder and figure out which word the question marks represent?

    1. Crown
    2. Grass
    3. Clues
    4. Lobes

    Answer: Grass

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