Are you a word fanatic? Challenge yourself with this fun word game! See if you can climb down the ladder. At each step, change only one letter in the word to create a new one. Let's play!
1. Take a look at this example! Replace one letter, forming a new word, as you move down the ladder.
- Continue
2. Figure out the hints to move down the ladder! To reach your final word in question marks, change only one letter of the word from your last hint!
- Ready to play
3. Can you reach the bottom of the ladder and figure out the word in question marks?
- Time
- Tart
- Hurt
- Herd
Answer: Herd
4. Can you work your way down through the hints and figure out which word the question marks represent?
- Love
- Gift
- Gone
- Cold
Answer: Gift
- Fear
- Dare
- Leaf
- Pear
Answer: Leaf
6. Can you figure out how to get down this ladder?
- Whack
- Clack
- Slaps
- Waits
Answer: Whack
7. Climb down this ladder!
- Songs
- Chair
- Pinch
- Fires
Answer: Pinch
8. Climb down this ladder…if you can!
- Sing
- Lift
- Five
- Dine
Answer: Dine
9. Can you climb down this ladder?
- Snort
- Cheek
- House
- Seams
Answer: Snort
10. Here we go! Can you work your way down the ladder and figure out which word the question marks represent?
- Crown
- Grass
- Clues
- Lobes